
Laziest blogger on the interwebs

I can't believe how little I've written.

I think I have a bit of a block.

More precisely, I think I'm just really rusty.

I read other people's blogs all the time, and there are so many funny, well-written people that I feel a little inadequate.

Maybe I am not recognizing the anecdotal things that are happening to me.

I could definitely be posting more about my son, he is a walking anecdote.

Maybe I'm just lazy.

I think I may be reluctant to reveal anything too personal, which is funny, since in reality, I rarely know when to stop revealing personal bits. But, face to face is different than the unknown masses to which you potentially write in a blog.

I'm deluded, just need to get into a habit of writing or posting something, anything more often, and familiarizing myself with the blogger features, and become more comfortable.

Like now, I'm thinking, "No one cares why I haven't posted, why even go into it? Erase it!"

But, I won't, because I have to get the ball rolling somehow.

It would almost be a relief if no one reads the thing, then I could really feel free to grind and moan.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I'm so glad that you are blogging! I never thought you would, since you are a devotee of hand-written communication. It is so nice for a lazy person like myself to keep up to date with your doings without having to write a letter. I graduate in 6/SIX only SIX!!! weeks and then perhaps I'll be able to return to normal and write letters again. For now, my love of mail is fed by ordering things online and receiving packages. I love packages! Letters would be much better for the budget, though, as well as the soul. Material goods are making me *too* happy these days.