I can't believe how little I've written.
I think I have a bit of a block.
More precisely, I think I'm just really rusty.
I read other people's blogs all the time, and there are so many funny, well-written people that I feel a little inadequate.
Maybe I am not recognizing the anecdotal things that are happening to me.
I could definitely be posting more about my son, he is a walking anecdote.
Maybe I'm just lazy.
I think I may be reluctant to reveal anything too personal, which is funny, since in reality, I rarely know when to stop revealing personal bits. But, face to face is different than the unknown masses to which you potentially write in a blog.
I'm deluded, just need to get into a habit of writing or posting something, anything more often, and familiarizing myself with the blogger features, and become more comfortable.
Like now, I'm thinking, "No one cares why I haven't posted, why even go into it? Erase it!"
But, I won't, because I have to get the ball rolling somehow.
It would almost be a relief if no one reads the thing, then I could really feel free to grind and moan.