
invented word of the day

Today I received a promotional magazine from Kia, probably because I'm on my 4th Kia.
We currently own a Rondo, and we love it, and there was a big "article" about the Rondo and why people who buy them are so fucking special.
I came across a word that may have been invented specifically for my groundbreaking car:


I forgot...

...to post pix of my newest tattoo. It's on the back of my right arm, and it's BIG.


Rushing them guts.
(courtesy of my husband)


I am a closet Hindi

I also just read The Satanic Verses. I liked it.


Yo Gabba Iggy

Firebombing HP

I just got my laptop back after being sent to HP for repair 3 weeks ago.
I went through the 5 stages of grief, and recovered.
I ranted to a few uncaring customer service representatives for various companies that I wanted to blame.
Then, I just let it go...
So, I am back!