touching base
I haven't actually written anything substantive in a loooooong time.
That is because I am so very lame.
I have slightly more readers now (2), so I better step up and enlighten the huddled masses with anecdotal evidence that my life is cool. Or not cool, to be judged by the reader.
Embedding videos is so easy, though. And, as anyone who has had a toddler knows, easy is good, because mommy is not allowed any time to do anything non-Iggy related.
While I'm talking about Iggy, I may as well update on his foibles and burgeoning person-ness.
-he never says yes, only uh-huh
-he had his first ear infection this week, and his first antibiotics
-he is fascinated by the feel of his nutsack, guess I can't blame him, it's pretty cool
-he only likes the hippest stuffed animals, bought from expensive toy stores in San Francisco, or hand made by a cutting edge fashion designer in Portland. Maybe I'm projecting?
-he is a gifted musical genius
That's all I can think of now.
I finally saw The Science of Sleep, which I loved. I have been reading a lot, nothing earth-shattering, but I do have Heyday by Kurt Anderson on deck, and it's massive.
I have still been pretty sad about my friend's death, but as with all things, everyday life begins to creep back in around the edges, and I haven't cried about it for a couple of weeks. I also haven't visited her husband, and I really should.
*Update! I have seen Gary, now, and we talked about a few things, he seems to be doing well, or as well as could be expected. He will be going to Utah to scatter her ashes in October, I wish I could go. And I cried, again, couldn't help it, seeing him made it real again.

My friend Eric was seriously injured on his bike recently, and that kind of made me anxious, like, who is going to die next? I guess as you get older, more things happen to those you know, as everyone ages, and I feel a little like I'm on a speeding train, hurtling toward the inevitable. I also get this feeling when I notice how huge my kid is, and witness all the crazy things that go on in the world, and realize my son will be a part of this.
That's right, bitches, I'm deep like that.Big ups to mah friends in SF, one moving, one shaking.
I love delusional people
This one goes out to my injured homeboy, Rico, who almost got his foot torn off, seriously.
Hang tough, Angus!