
Mr. Rogers

I remember loving Mr. Rogers when I was really little, 3-5 maybe, then becoming bored with him, then becoming creeped out by him, eventually becoming a feeling of campy revulsion.

But I'm back to loving him, I'm fascinated by the tours of factories that make every day products, I love his soft voice, and it's just so damn nostalgic.


rico said...

I like Mr. Rogers too. His show reminds me of the time my gym teacher turned into an ape the first time I ate acid and went to PE my senior year in high school. Then he also reminds me of the time I ate acid at Billy Joe's Pitcher Show and watched The Doors, stole a pink flamingo and then drove to Omaha at three in the morning during a snowstorm with a couple of crazy broads. That darn Mr. Rogers!

jp said...

I cried when he died. I wasn't a huge fan, but he did what he loved and made people better and happier in the process. I'm rather envious of people who can manage to do that right now. I want a scale sized trolley running through my living room!

Anonymous said...

Alls that I know is that Kimbo Slice is Mr. Rogers anti-Christ. See him now on youtube! Kimbo Slice grew up watching Mr. Rogers. I dont know what this all means. Maybe Kimbo Slice needs his own childres show.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Rogers....what a gas...

Anonymous said...

Dude this shit is old-you wanna be a real blogger you gotta bring it more than once a week.
I demand a new post NOW!
Strike while the fire is hot.
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