X, you look cute with bangs! But, they are a pain if you get tired of them. These last few years, I have become insanely impatient (among other insane things) and if I decide I want a hair cut, I immediately chop it off myself. Sometimes I make Jason even up the back, but he gets really scared about it and I often have to get him a little drunk first.
I am quickly approaching middle-age. I have been married for 11 years, and my husband is my best friend. We have a 5 year old son and a girl-baby.. I am hirsute.
As long as you don't talk me into doing it. You remember what happened last time. Snip Snip! Hehe, love ya. -Tom
don't do it - it took 2 years to grow them back. remember it's winter and you have static hair stuck to the face to deal with
X, you look cute with bangs! But, they are a pain if you get tired of them. These last few years, I have become insanely impatient (among other insane things) and if I decide I want a hair cut, I immediately chop it off myself. Sometimes I make Jason even up the back, but he gets really scared about it and I often have to get him a little drunk first.
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