I am feeling pouty today because I hurt my right pinky finger.
I was with Iggy at the Children's Museum, trying to lead him somewhere, he tripped, I tripped over him and bit it, hard.
Iggy was fine, the floor is totally rubbery stuff.
I felt the top of my pinky finger bend all the way back and touch the top of my hand. I also bumped my knee, and scuffed my face, but it left no marks.
My hand was impossibly painful, I can barely remember what I did or said with Iggy, just tried to keep up with him and not cry.
I ran it under cold water, which felt wonderful.
By the time I got home, it was a dull throb, and getting tightly swollen.
I went to work, and the bruises began forming all around the base of my pinky and on the palm of my hand, and each knuckle of the finger is dark blue now.
Even if it were broken, I don't think there is much to do, it doesn't appear to need to be reset or anything.
I tried to take a pic, but couldn't do the bruises justice.

very sorry to hear about your finger. Perhaps next time you will leave your fingers at home before you go traipsing aroung the zoo like some suburban stroller pushing mom-a-be. WORD!!!!
very sorry to hear about your finger. Perhaps next time you will leave your fingers at home before you go traipsing aroung the zoo like some suburban stroller pushing mom-a-be. WORD!!!!
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