
Hair Farmer

I got sick of my hair yesterday, decided it was long enough to donate, and got Tom to cut it for me. The haircut is still a rough draft because I had to leave to go to work before it got totally refined, but I still like it.

So, ta-da!
This is the 3rd ponytail I've donated, so I'm feeling pretty philanthropic.


Eastside Business said...

That's great Christina! Good job!

I am glad to follow in your steps as a hair farmer.

Stefanie said...

This photo made me say, "I need new glasses." Yours are so cute.

And...good job on the hair donating. I dye mine, so I am eliminated.

I'm too vain to let it go grey while I've got a NB baby!

Eastside Business said...
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Eastside Business said...

Actually Stef, dyed hair can be donated. According to the Locks of Love website, dyed, but not bleached hair can be donated.

How about it? I'm trying to get 1000 other people to become hair farmers and can use some help.

BTW - congratulations on your baby! My daughter Jackie Kennedy http://www.JackieKennedy.biz
is 4 years old and the pride of my life.