

Iggy has been peeing on the john for quite a while, but #2 was a bit stubborn... until yesterday!!!!! I was absolutely giddy.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, by the way, from a grouchy leprechaun.

From infancy, my mom painted my ears green (w/ food coloring) during the night before St. Paddy's, and told me it was rogue leprechauns marking Irish children while they slept. This is a mite strange since my mother was born in Cuba (I am Irish on my paternal side), but whatever. It was a tradition, however warped, and I was even on the news for it once at dance class.

So, my mom and I got the q-tips and food coloring, and snuck into Iggy's room. He, however, doesn't sleep that soundly at times, and tossed around while I tried to paint, and I only got one ear! I guess he's only half as Irish as I was. Here are a couple of pics.

Oh, yeah, my mom stopped vandalizing me when I went into Middle School, fearing bullying from other students.


jp said...

that's too funny!!! I didn't meet you till middle school so I missed that! Congrats to Iggy using the potty -- that was quite the ordeal with Nick, he didn't start preschool til late because of it.

Stefanie said...

Ha! Does he believe that it's really leprechauns?