
Tom Mulvehill made Des Moines cooler

Today we lost another friend, suddenly, from an aneurysm.
He played bagpipes beautifully.
He could talk about almost anything, and was one of the nicest, funniest guys I've ever met.
Here he is at my housewarming party, my husband is on the left.
I'm at a loss...


KT said...

Tom was definitely his own guy. Intelligent, gifted, bringing the pipes to the people.


Lorenz Inez said...

Tom was my best friend from the time we were 5, up until adulthood. He was the coolest guy I've ever known.

Thanks for posting this.


Anonymous said...

No one made the bagpies sound as sweet as Tom did! Burns Night will NEVER be the same.

Anonymous said...

I will miss Tom. He was a good friend. I love how he found his way to do it...whatever "it" was.

Anonymous said...

I played Tenor Drum alongside Tom in the Iowa Scottish pipes and drums I enjoyed his humor and his talent I didn't realize this and he will be sorely missed.

Colby AKA Cloby

Randy said...

I went to school with Tom from K-12th grade, when I saw his obituary it literally brought tears to my eyes. I didn't know him in my adult life, but the memories of him from school all came back to me. He was without a doubt one of the nicest guys I've ever known.