
My Urban Garden and Morel Season 2008

Iggy went mushrooming this weekend, we found a lot, but man, were they small!!

Tom can't even believe how small! I was literally on my hands and knees to spot them!

We felt good about what we got, however tiny, and they tasted great with pork chops...

I've planted out my ever growing collection of crazy ceramic pots, they look, well, special.

Seriously, that's a lot of pots.

I have to include this lovely picture my husband took of the morels in their natural habitat.

Whoo-hoo! Happy Spring!!!


Anonymous said...

Very lovely pictures! Those morels are so iddy-biddy, but I'll bet they were fabulous!

Stefanie said...


Beautiful planting!!

I'm working in the yarn today, too...just trying to put some green stuff in. The yarn is very very brown.