

We had 3 days without electricity over the weekend, thanks to a 10 minute hurricane on Friday.
It really wasn't that bad.
The cleanup was hectic, but the weather was beautiful, cool and breezy, and I didn't miss power much at all.
We have a gas stove, so I could cook, we had hot water, we had a great radio, and it was pretty groovy.
Tom and I played cards by candlelight, very romantical.


rico said...

That's great, sometimes I like blackouts too, as long as it ain't because of some civil war or Armegeddon. One time me and my friend John were having cocktails and crab at the restaurant near my house and the power went out. Because the place cooks most of its menu items over a wood-burning fire, it quickly filled with smoke as the exhaust couldn't be powered. It was romantic but we had to leave soon after. We went back to my house where the power was also out and had a fire and the neighbors over and had a swell time. The funny thing was that my house was the last house on the grid that didn't have power. The people next door could be seen watching television, oblivious to our powerlessness. Get off the grid! Or not.
Miss you Christy,

jp said...

i'm glad you faired ok. I've stocked up on solar lighting which was our savior, since our last blackout. Thanks to your mom, I had the sweetest smelling soy candled house on the block!!!