
Monday, Monday

Iggy's napping and I could either read an espionage novel or try and post something.
So, I thought I would compile some photos of art in our house. Art being subjective.
The photos aren't great, but I have zero patience with photography, so that's the way it goes.

This is in my kitchen, it's just a bunch of posters stuffed together, but I love it.

My husband went to school with this artist, P. Jay Fidler. I bought it because it matched my room, I won't lie. But, I also love it.

I always forget this guy's name, somebody Cruise, I think.

This is by Troy Muller, he is my friend's husband. I wish I could afford the full size version.

My friend Gary Donahue did this watercolor, he is a genius with color, but I love his all grey stuff a lot.

This is one of a pair by J. Fish, very nice prints from my friend Calvin.

The other Fish. Again, I apologize for the picture quality, but I just suck.

This is by a husband/wife team called Kozyndan. Get it, Kozy 'n' Dan?

This is a 4" x 4" little blue monkey in a basketball jersey. I just love monkeys dressed in clothes.

This is a Randy Galaska, made from old skate decks and other scrap wood.

There is a lot more, but my pictures suck too bad to keep trying, maybe if I get industrious this winter I will work on it.


jp said...

very cool

tiffany carman said...

i too have a randy galaska piece from when i went to uno w/ him; he graduated before me and i bought one of his thesis pieces b/c i loved it so much.
i am also approaching middle age (w/ a 3-yr-old!) u seem pretty kool. if u ever wanna tat, check out my work on fb. tiffany carman