
Iggy's latest curses

- Aw, aluminum foil!

-Holy Hinges!

-Oh, photography!

-Aw, phenomenon!

All delivered with extreme conviction.


Christmas Miracle

My son thinks it's pretty cool to find another Ignatius in the world.

He found him on The Year Without Santa Claus.

The character is called Ignatius Thistlewhite, and is a young boy in the movie.

He tells people to call him Iggy for short.

I couldn't find a good image from the film, but I did find this pic, evidently he starred in other movies after that one, and they may be slightly blue, from the photo:




I am having trouble transitioning to sea salt in my kitchen.

I am all for using sea salt instead of regular iodized salt, and have purchased said sea salt.

It is too big for all my salt shakers, and the top of the package has a crappy shaker.

I have been using it in cooking, but I'm not used to the bigger grains and everything is thirsty SALTY.
Not everything, but I have over salted a couple of thing.

So, I purchased a new shaker, made for sugar, so it accommodates the big fat salties.

And I'm drinking lots of water.