
Iggy's latest curses

- Aw, aluminum foil!

-Holy Hinges!

-Oh, photography!

-Aw, phenomenon!

All delivered with extreme conviction.


Christmas Miracle

My son thinks it's pretty cool to find another Ignatius in the world.

He found him on The Year Without Santa Claus.

The character is called Ignatius Thistlewhite, and is a young boy in the movie.

He tells people to call him Iggy for short.

I couldn't find a good image from the film, but I did find this pic, evidently he starred in other movies after that one, and they may be slightly blue, from the photo:




I am having trouble transitioning to sea salt in my kitchen.

I am all for using sea salt instead of regular iodized salt, and have purchased said sea salt.

It is too big for all my salt shakers, and the top of the package has a crappy shaker.

I have been using it in cooking, but I'm not used to the bigger grains and everything is thirsty SALTY.
Not everything, but I have over salted a couple of thing.

So, I purchased a new shaker, made for sugar, so it accommodates the big fat salties.

And I'm drinking lots of water.


Gobble gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!
Time to break out the footy pajamas!


Monday, Monday

Iggy's napping and I could either read an espionage novel or try and post something.
So, I thought I would compile some photos of art in our house. Art being subjective.
The photos aren't great, but I have zero patience with photography, so that's the way it goes.

This is in my kitchen, it's just a bunch of posters stuffed together, but I love it.

My husband went to school with this artist, P. Jay Fidler. I bought it because it matched my room, I won't lie. But, I also love it.

I always forget this guy's name, somebody Cruise, I think.

This is by Troy Muller, he is my friend's husband. I wish I could afford the full size version.

My friend Gary Donahue did this watercolor, he is a genius with color, but I love his all grey stuff a lot.

This is one of a pair by J. Fish, very nice prints from my friend Calvin.

The other Fish. Again, I apologize for the picture quality, but I just suck.

This is by a husband/wife team called Kozyndan. Get it, Kozy 'n' Dan?

This is a 4" x 4" little blue monkey in a basketball jersey. I just love monkeys dressed in clothes.

This is a Randy Galaska, made from old skate decks and other scrap wood.

There is a lot more, but my pictures suck too bad to keep trying, maybe if I get industrious this winter I will work on it.


Vagina Power?

I about fell out when I saw this...


If I had my way...

...I'd rename all the "Real Housewives of (fill in the blank)" series "These Dumb Bitches?!"


'ello there.

So, I am at a loss for subject matter.

It's really fucking cold outside and it's about to get colder.

My son is a profoundly deep thinker.

My husband is doing uber great at work.

Barack Obama is the coolest president ever.

I had to wear an eye patch for a few days, it was funny to see people's reactions to my appearance.

I should maybe learn to knit.


I thought I was gonna die

I just had 3 teeth forcibly removed, and I feel like a fucking hillbilly.
I take great care of my straight, white teeth, brush and floss.
Somehow, I still manage to need root canal, crown, extraction...
I'm feeling sorry for myself, and for the fact that I have only 25 teeth now!
I told Tom that at this rate I would be giving great gum jobs at 50.


The new Bob Kerrey footbridge

People around here really must've been waiting for this, because that footbridge is FULL of traffic (but not in a bad way).

The Mighty Missouri, rather cool to see it from the middle. God, I have a lot of grey hair!

I love my dog

Cripes, look at all the shit under my couch!


She's a peach

My sweetie friend Stefanie linked me into her blog, so I thought I would return the favor.

I would also like to mention that she is the smartest girl I know.


Bad, bad blogger

I am a neglectful blogger. I discovered Facebook, and everything went to hell.
I will try and update more, but truthfully, things have been blissfully quiet, so no drama = no blogging.
Can't really complain.
It's not like anyone ever reads this anyway!


Meet Luna

My Dad found this puppy for us, and I am OVER THE MOON. I have wanted a puppy for so long! We pick her up next Saturday. Welcome to our family, Luna!


Iowa State Fair 2008

We caught the shuttle at the state capitol, glistening in the sun. Dan Wardell is the Kid's Club host for Iowa Public TV, he is so rad, kids adore him, then he comes over and jokes around with us, just a great guy. Iggy loves him, asked me before the fair if Dan would be there, if he would be wearing his cape, and was that cape yellow?

Baby lambies, so fucking cute!

Little Hands on the Farm is an interactive farming thing, Iggy loves doing it, gets to keep the Pioneer hat.

It was a really fun day.



I love this record. It even has a DVD included with videos of each song!


This is oldish, but still funny

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Truly Cuban child

FYI, Materva is the best drink ever, second only to guarapo.

I don't know what this is...

...but it is very cute.

To think, he used to fit easily in a bowl that size!


Creepiest toy ever (or at least Top 10)

I saw a windowful of these puppies in Pismo last month, but only just remembered them. You could not pay me to put one of these in my home!



We had 3 days without electricity over the weekend, thanks to a 10 minute hurricane on Friday.
It really wasn't that bad.
The cleanup was hectic, but the weather was beautiful, cool and breezy, and I didn't miss power much at all.
We have a gas stove, so I could cook, we had hot water, we had a great radio, and it was pretty groovy.
Tom and I played cards by candlelight, very romantical.


I love my Mom

She's an adventurous eater.



El raton del suerte malo

I knew something was dead as soon as I stepped out on the porch, but it took Tom the better part of an afternoon to find the source behind my flowerpots. I guess he was just too chubby.

Best Vacation Ever

Pismo Beach 2008 will be tough to top.
My kid was sunburned NOT ONE IOTA, but I burned where I couldn't reach, sad tale of mommydom.

I just liked this can.

Splash Cafe, best chowder EVER (and I don't even like chowder).